• +212663153244
  • eeb@uir.ac.ma
  • Campus de l'UIR Rabat Salé 11100 - Sala Al Jadida - Maroc


Mrs Sarah Hadri defended, on the 7th December 2024 at 10am (UIT), her PhD  thesis entitled “Contributions to load forecast in Smart buildings ”.  Sarah’s thesis work was conducted, in the frame of the two projets MIGRID and HOLSYS, under the supervision of M. Najib (UIR), M. Bakhouya (UIR) and Y. Fakhri (UIT). She was first working on the project…

Y. Alidrissi

Mr Youssef  Alidrissi defended, on the 26th October 2024 at 10am (UIR), his PhD thesis entitled “A Contribution towards Distributed Control Methods of Autonomous DC Microgrids”.  Youssef’s thesis work was conducted under the supervision of R. Ouladsine and M. Bakhouya. Youssef has spent almost 5 years (2019-2024) working on the project HOLSYS “A Holistic IoT and Big Data Platform for Smart Building Energy Management…

F. Lachhab

Mrs Fadwa Lachhab defended, on November 9th 2018, at the ENSIAS, her PhD thesis “Context-driven Control Approaches Using IoT andBig Data Technologies for Smart Buildings”. Fadwa’s thesis work was conducted Between UIR and ENSIAS under the supervision of M. Essaaidi (ENSIAS), R. Ouladsine (UIR) and M. BAKHOUYA (UIR).  Fadwa’s spent four years working on the project CASANET (Context‐Aware Sensor‐Actuator Networks for…

A. Lahlou

Mr Anas Lahlou defended, on Friday 6th November 2020, his PhD thesis “Energy and Thermal Comfort Management Strategies for Battery Electric Vehicles” at the Sorbonne University (SU).  Anas’s thesis work was conducted between UIR, SU, EMI and PSA under the supervision of Mrs Ossart (SU), M. Maaroufi (EMI), M. Roy (PSA) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Anas has spent 3 years and half (2017-2020) working on…

Y. Naitmalek

Mr Youssef Naitmalek defended his PhD thesis entitled “Contribution toward a Smart EMS Using IoT and Machine Learning for Electric Vehicles”. The defense was held at the ENSIAS (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Systèmes) on Saturday 25 March 2023. Youssef thesis work was conducted between UIR and ENSIAS under the supervision of M. Essaaidi (ENSIAS), M. Najib (UIR) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Youssef has spent…

A. Berouine

Mr Anass Berouine defended, on the 24th July 2023 at 4pm (ENSIAS), his PhD thesis entitled “Predictive Control Approaches Using IoT and Big Data Technologies for Smart and Energy-Efficient Buildings: Application to Thermal and Indoor Air Quality Management”. Anass’s thesis work was conducted between UIR and ENSIAS under the supervision of M. Essaaidi (ENSIAS), R. Ouladsine (UIR) and M. Bakhouya…

S. Boulmrharj

Mrs Sofia Boulmrharj defended, on 12th September 2020, her PhD thesis “a Contribution towards a holistic and hybrid approach integrating the photovoltaic source, storage, and Fuel Cell Cogeneration:Application into smart Micro-Grids for Buildings”. Sofia’s Thesis work was conducted between UIR and UCD under the supervision of M. Khaidar (UCD), M. Zinedine (UCD), M. Ouladsine (UIR) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Sofia has spent 3 years and half…

A. Elmouatamid

Mr Abdellatif Elmouatamid defended, on 30th December 2020, his PhD thesis “a Contribution towards Predictive Control for Energy Management in Micro-grids Systems: Application into a Smart and Energy Efficient Buildings”. Abdellatif’s thesis work was conducted between UIR and UCD under the supervision of M. Elkamoun (UCD), M. Zinedine (UCD), M. Ouladsine (UIR) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Abdellatif has spent 4 years (2017-2020) working on the project MIGRID…

S. Berrabah

Miss Soukayna Berrabah defended, on the 17th February 2023 at 3pm, her PhD thesis entitled “Towards A Quadrupole-based Hardware-In-the-Loop Co-simulation Platform in Energy Efficient Buildings”. Soukayna’s thesis work was conducted under the supervision of Mrs  Bouhssine (UIR), M. El Maakoul (UIR), M. Degiovani and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Soukayna spent almost 3 years (2020-2022) working on the project HOLSYS “A Holistic IoT…

A. Kharbouch

Mr Abdelhak Kharbouch defended, on the 2nd February 2023 at 3pm (UMI), his PhD thesis entitled “Internet-of-Things based Hardware-in-the-Loop Framework for Smart and Energy Efficient Buildings”.  Abdelhak’s thesis work was conducted between the UIR and the UMI under the supervision of M. El Ouadghiri (UMI) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Abdelhak has spent almost 5 years (2018-2022) working on the project…