• +212663153244
  • eeb@uir.ac.ma
  • Campus de l'UIR Rabat Salé 11100 - Sala Al Jadida - Maroc
Y. Naitmalek

Y. Naitmalek

Mr Youssef Naitmalek defended his PhD thesis entitled “Contribution toward a Smart EMS Using IoT and Machine Learning for Electric Vehicles”. The defense was held at the ENSIAS (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Systèmes) on Saturday 25 March 2023. Youssef thesis work was conducted between UIR and ENSIAS under the supervision of M. Essaaidi (ENSIAS), M. Najib (UIR) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Youssef has spent about 5 years (2018-2022) working on the project HELECAR « Predictive Energy Management for BEV/PHEV by using Moroccan ICT/ITS», under the PSA OpenLab@Morocco.

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