• +212663153244
  • eeb@uir.ac.ma
  • Campus de l'UIR Rabat Salé 11100 - Sala Al Jadida - Maroc
S. Boulmrharj

S. Boulmrharj

Mrs Sofia Boulmrharj defended, on 12th September 2020, her PhD thesis “a Contribution towards a holistic and hybrid approach integrating the photovoltaic source, storage, and Fuel Cell Cogeneration:Application into smart Micro-Grids for Buildings”. Sofia’s Thesis work was conducted between UIR and UCD under the supervision of M. Khaidar (UCD), M. Zinedine (UCD), M. Ouladsine (UIR) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Sofia has spent 3 years and half (2017-2020) working on the project MIGRID : « Towards Smart Microgrids: Renewable Energy Integration into Smart Buildings», funded by the USAID under the PEER program Cycle 5 – 398 (2017-2020).  

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