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  • eeb@uir.ac.ma
  • Campuse de l'UIR Rabat Salé 11100 - Sala Al Jadida - Maroc

A. Elmouatamid

Mr Abdellatif Elmouatamid defended, on 30th December 2020, his PhD thesis “a Contribution towards Predictive Control for Energy Management in Micro-grids Systems: Application into a Smart and Energy Efficient Buildings”. Abdellatif’s thesis work was conducted between UIR and UCD under the supervision of M. Elkamoun (UCD), M. Zinedine (UCD), M. Ouladsine (UIR) and M. Bakhouya (UIR). Abdellatif has spent 4 years (2017-2020) working on the project MIGRID : « Towards Smart Microgrids: Renewable Energy Integration into Smart Buildings», funded by the USAID under the PEER program Cycle 5 – 398 (2017-2020).  

For more information click here.

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